Monday, February 27, 2006

...whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous bureaucracy...

haha poor aedan's having an attack of the hamlets. sieze the day my friend! just get on the plane. we'll deal with the rest later. think of the possibilities! yes indeed it would be a pity if the commission doesn't work out - a huge big pity. but it would still be interesting just to spend a few days with the aussie delegation, see a bit about how their office works, get some feel for the future of human rights in the UN etc. still an amazing opportunity and a privilege. it's going to be great, bro, even if it's tragically shortened! then we can all go hang out in morocco or italy to console ourselves. ha.

in about half an hour i'm off to see Terezin, the concentration camp that I wrote a thesis on in 2004. it's 60kms north of prague, and today is bleak and grey and freezing, so that oughtta be a laugh... hmm.

aedan i'm fully expecting to see you in paris on march 7 - so don't leave me hangin' brother! :)




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