guantanamo bay shenanigans
well. today i was listening to the radio, and heard some very interesting stuff. the UN HR Commission has - backed by various British dignitaries and other heavies - demanded the closure of the United States' detention facility at Guantanamo Bay. The US has staunchly refused to entertain such a notion, and today the White House spokesman said "the people being detained at the facility are terrorists and dangerous criminals". nobody pointed out to him that they can't really *know* that until they've been properly tried.... oh well. Minor details. Myeh.
The report submitted in support of the UN's stance has been rejected by the US, even though they didn't let the investigator anywhere near the camp or the detainees. This is all a bit worrying, particularly in light of the delightful photos that have emerged from Abu Ghraib.
Anyway, it seems like this will be an issue at the Commission!! The UN says "either free the detainees or try them immediately in an INDEPENDENT court", and the US says "no way Jose". Could be a very, very interesting stoush. We shall see!
j xxx
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