Thursday, February 23, 2006

from prague

aedan! g'day and welcome. great to see you posting. i'm in prague - arrived here yesterday. it's completely cold! but really beautiful. snowing! crazy. i'd write more about it but i'm keeping a travel journal style thing on another blog, so here's not the place. tsk tsk.

it's exactly 2 weeks out from when aedan and i are supposed to be flying from paris to geneva to begin our briefing for the Commission, and still we know nothing. It's funny - when I've expressed to my friends and family the possibility that the Commission will be cancelled, peope sort of tend to see it as a bummer for my internship possibilities, but the bummerness is rather a lot larger than that...! Global respect for international human rights norms down the toilet - dang.

Anyway, still waiting with bated breath to find out what's going on. it's a very strange international limbo situation! ha.

look forward to reading you again soon, A!


J xxx


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